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January 4, 2014 @ 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Dragonfly Yoga Studio
156 Green Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Susan Pulley

Feel Great In The New Year!

“Inadequate preparation causes the body to break like a dry stick”

Just in case we were thinking to take detoxing lightly, Ayurvedic medical texts point out this rather severe consequence if you do it wrong. So we know detoxing is powerful, but not a joke! Instead of energized and supple, detox can leave us broken. You’ve got to know what you’re doing to get the amazing benefits.

Luckily, Ayurveda gives specific guidelines for safe and effective cleansing therapies. 3 stages must be included: preparing the body for an elimination action, the elimination action itself, and building the pieces again with proper rejuvenation afterward. The deepest Ayurvedic cleansing can only be done with the help of a professional.

Even in winter, you can start to feel great! In this workshop we’ll focus on boosting the natural work your body is already doing to keep itself clean, healthy and vibrant. That’s what we’ll address in this workshop. And, this winter preparation will do amazing things to ease spring and summer allergies!

You’ll learn:

  • The 3 critical stages of proper, safe detox
  • How the seasons affect our body’s ability to eliminate
  • What you can do this season to cleanse your body
  • Recognize the sign of a proper cleanse
  • How to avoid improper detoxing
  • The importance and how-to of increasing digestive fire & reduce undigested food
  • Breath Detox techniques
  • Herbs that can help you detox
  • Why winter is so crucial – don’t wait for spring!
  • A great recipe for a winter cleanse mono-diet
  • A home cleanse plan for winter

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CIMG2291About Instructor Susan Pulley
Susan has an Ayurveda practice in Amsterdam. She helps people improve their health & vitality naturally, using the tools of nutrition, herbs, warm oil treatments and cleanse programs. She has taught Ayurveda in academic settings as well as offering webinars & workshops about treating specific health concerns using Yoga and Ayurveda. For education, consults and ayurvedic tips find her at

Winter Prep for Spring Detox