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September 11, 2013 @ 5:00 pm – October 2, 2013 @ 6:00 pm
Dragonfly Yoga Studio
156 Green Street
Doylestown, PA 18901

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“Like a caring mother holding and guarding the life of her only child, so with a boundless heart hold yourself and all beings” – The Buddha

Take time to connect with your baby and your body in this 60 minute class. Using poses and concepts developed by Helen Garabedian (Itsy Bitsy Yoga), we will guide our babies (ages newborn to 7 months) through yoga poses to help them sleep longer, digest better and grow stronger. The benefits of baby yoga can include better sleep, improved digestion, easing of gas pain and colic, stimulation of neuromuscular development and boosting the immune system. Parents who practice yoga with their infants notice a deeper parent-child bond, better sleep and reduced anxiety. Learn “Magic Poses” that can stop crying in 60 seconds or less.

We will have props, but if your baby has severe reflux, please bring a boppy-type pillow to help elevate his/her head.

Keep in mind these Newborn Yoga Practice techniques:
– This is your baby’s yoga practice and not yours so let your baby set the tempo.
– Parents/Caregivers facilitate baby’s movement and do not force their body into any position. Respect your baby’s cues and move them slowly through the postures.
– Stop your baby’s yoga practice as needed for diaper changes, feedings, sleep etc. Please bring anything you need for feeding and diapering and feel free to come and go as needed during practice to care for your baby.

SECOND SESSION: September 11 to October 2
Every Wednesday from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Cost: $55
Drop in: $15
(Normal class packages do not apply.)

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About Instructor Kelcey Meadows-Lucas

Kelcey began practicing yoga 13 years ago as a way to relax, calm down and de-stress. She completed her Dragonfly Yoga Studio 200 level teacher training in 2011 and has also studied with Amy Weintraub at Kripalu. Kelcey has experienced herself and witnessed in others the physical and emotional healing power of relaxation and yoga. Through yoga, she hopes to help others on their path of self-care and balance. Kelcey is most drawn to the yogic concept of Ahimsa (nonviolence) which guides her to help all living beings, especially animals.

Mommy & Me 4-Week Yoga Workshop

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