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June 28, 2013 @ 11:00 pm – June 29, 2013 @ 1:00 am
Dragonfly Yoga Studio
156 Green Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Lyn Hicks

svadisthannaCelebrate and Blossom with food, wine and woman at our Flower of life Fridays! Lyn Hicks will facilitate our understanding and development of our flowing femininity through discussion and practices for our opening of our  chakra.

In ancient times, women knew that in our lower belly sits the treasure of our feminine power, the flower of our life…

According to ancient knowledge from India, at the lower belly sits svadhisthana chakra, a flower with six petals. Each of these petals has its own unique quality and energy. When this flower is closed we develop complexes, fears around intimacy and problems in relationships, skin problems, hormonal dysfunction and premature aging. When this Flower of Life opens, we have harmonious relationships, beauty and as woman we ourselves become a blooming flower with unique perfume that spreads everywhere!

  • Learn the unique qualities of each petal of svadhisthana and how to develop them internally and externally in your everyday life
  • Do very special practices and rituals; including special meditations, visualizations and breathing techniques to awaken feminine energy
  • Practice special dance techniques and dynamic practices to increase your magnetism and charm, grounding you into your body as it is in all its beauty, opening and strengthening our intuitive nature.
  • Perform energetic theater and role playing to break free of programs that block the flow of energy in the lower belly
  • Learn health knowledge and easy practices to support the flow of feminine oxytocin, calming our bodies in relaxation and safety. This allows our innate health system to operate for us.

Registration is required. Please reserve your spot by making a payment below or by coming into the studio.

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Lyn_Lotus252Lyn Hicks is an educator of health, wellbeing and green living. Trained in Tia Chi Chuan, Aharaj Yoga, and ancient feminine cultures, she shares her yoga of living on her organic flower farm, Harmony Hill Gardens, in Pennsylvania.  A love of nature, beauty and grace inspires Lyn to share the power of feminine essence with other woman – educating them to live in connection with their bodies to allow their innate health system and intuition to strengthen. After doing this herself, it became natural to share with others through writing, videos and retreats at her farm. The Art Of Being A Woman is her passion and claim to her magnificence, strengthening our collaborative power with each other to change the world together into a more nourished placed.

Flower Of Life Fridays Workshop

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