Start your bond with baby and connect with other moms!

Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga | Sundays 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM | In-Person or Online
Join our supportive and informative new-moms-to-be class. Relax and lengthen areas of the body that are affected by pregnancy, while learning breathing and movement techniques that may help you move though your delivery. Invite your friends who are expecting and take class together! Then, come back after baby is born to start moving again.
Baby & Me Yoga On Demand Video Course
Strengthen your bond with baby while targeting developmental milestones with Baby And Me Yoga! This course features 30-minute and 15-minute practice videos, along with lectures on postpartum anatomy and baby development.
Prenatal and Baby & Me Package
Purchase our Prenatal and Baby & Me Package and save! For $170 you’ll get access to 10 In-Person or Live Online Prenatal Classes and our Baby & Me Yoga Course. (It’s a $50 savings vs buying individual classes!)
Don’t worry, you can also use the 10 class credits for any of our other yoga classes — the package doesn’t expire. And you’ll have access to the on-demand Baby & Me course forever!
Simply purchase the package and you’ll be able to attend class via our class calendar. We’ll email you with a link for accessing the video course.

Lindsay began her yoga journey after graduating college as a way to bring balance to her mind and body. The instant and constant effects were monumental; Yoga has been in her life ever since! After years of practicing, she wanted to expand her knowledge by taking the teacher training program. In 2018 she received the 200-Hour Teacher Certification with Cathy Frank at Yogasphere. She received an 85-Hour Prenatal Yoga Certification in 2021 from Arhanta Yoga Academy. Starting in 2011 she has received a Reiki One and Reiki Two attunement and incorporates energy work throughout class. Lindsay holds space for yoga to be a deeply personal and community practice where students can work on their physical and emotional health. Her classes are structured with creative sequencing where students can explore poses in a safe and lighthearted environment. Lindsay is honored to share her love for yoga and bodywork with students. When Lindsay isn’t on her mat, she is spending time with her husband, son, and dog, Arnold. They like being active and outdoors all year round!